Hailing from Montreal, The Last Mile, combine the furor and passion of hardcore with the ideals and energy of punk rock in a manner that sits in a timeless void. Constantly working and evolving, The Last Mile will release 6 songs on a split Lp, a split 7” and a new full length in 2023.
Having played in over 30 countries since 2015, with 2 well-received full lengths, “The Distance Between,” (as Chris Snelgrove & The Last Mile. 2016), “Respect The Frequency,” (LP on Rad Girlfriend Records. 2021) as well as the “II” ep (Pavones Records. 2020), and being featured on multiple compilations, The Last Mile use their position as artists to help raise money for many charitable causes including the Portland General Defense Committee, battered women shelters, fighting anti-trans legislation and so much more.
The Last Mile have toured with and shared the stage with numerous acts including NOFX, Title Fight, Iron Chic, Petrol Girls, and La Armada. They’ve played festivals in the US and Europe such as FEST, Obenuse, Rhinos Feroce, Bearded Punk Fest and more.
2023 promises to be a whirlwind for the band, with tours already booked in Mexico, Europe, South America, and the US. The Last Mile are ready for whatever comes their way and psyched about it.
TLMPMA.com / thelastmilemtl@gmail.com